Welcome to the Palomar Orchid Society Website!

The Palomar Orchid Society, incorporated in December of 1965 was formed when a few people banded together to talk about orchids. We then grew and bloomed into the roughly 200-member group of orchid enthusiasts that we have today. We represent everything orchid in North San Diego County! Come and join us!!

The Palomar Orchid Society is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the understanding and cultivation of both hybrid and species orchids. We welcome members of all levels to join us for orchid fun and learning! Our mission is to promote interest in the appreciation of orchids and to provide an opportunity for their display and the exchange and dissemination of information relating to their culture.

San Diego Botanic Garden – World of Orchids

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Sat, 04/03/2021 - 10:00am - Sun, 05/02/2021 - 5:00pm

April 2021 – Glen Decker (online presentation)

Glen DeckerGlen DeckerOur April 6th, 7:30 pm, Zoom General Meeting will feature Glen Decker who will speak on ‘My Life with Slippers’. Slipper orchids, including Paphiopedilums and Phragmipediums, are orchids that many of us envy but sometimes can find challenging to maintain. Glen Decker will take us on a journey to see slipper orchids around the world, including Peru, Ecuador, and throughout travel, culture, as well as stories about the people who share his obsession with slipper orchids. Glen has been growing orchids for over 40 years and holds the degree of Associate in Applied Science in Ornamental Horticulture. He is very active in the orchid community and was the owner of Piping Rock Orchids in New York. He also has been a Director of the Orchid Digest Corporation, and Chair of the AOS Publications committee. Glen has won numerous AOS quality and culture awards, including the Butterworth Prize for most outstanding culture of any orchid, the W. W. Wilson Award for most out-standing Cypripedium alliance plant, the Herbert Hager Award for most outstanding Phalaenopsis genus plant, the Carlyle A. Luer Award for most outstanding Pleurothallid alliance plant and the Nax Botanical Trophy for most outstanding species orchid. Glen has appeared in Martha Stewart's Better Living Magazine and on a PBS TV special "Orchid Delirium". He rewrote the Slipper section of the Brooklyn Botanic Garden's "The Best Orchids for Indoors", and he was technical editor for the "Orchids for Dummies" book.   Read more »

Tue, 04/06/2021 - 7:00pm - 9:30pm

March 2021 – David Haelterman (online presentation)

David HaeltermanDavid HaeltermanOur Zoom meeting on Tuesday, March 2 at 7:30 pm will feature David Haelterman speaking on "The Genus Maxillaria in Colombia." David has lived in Cali, Columbia for 6 years, exploring the region as an orchid enthusiast and educator. Cali is a major metropolis, sitting in the Valle del Cauca, just to the East of the Farallones de Cauda, the very bio-diverse coastal mountain range.

He worked as an agronomist in his native Belgium, developing urban agriculture projects with schools and encouraging biodiversity through ecologically productive small-scale parcels. In Colombia, he explores the mountains, leads tours, gives lectures, and photographs especially the orchids of the region. Looking at his photo records, he seems to spend most of his time in the mountains.

In parallel to these professional activities, he has been passionate about orchids for more than 25 years, growing many genera such as Cattleya, Masdevallia, Restrepia, Odontoglossum, Kefersteinia, Pescatoria, Eriopsis, Stanhopea and allied, as well as Maxillaria, on which he is particularly specialized. His center of interest is especially focused on orchid taxonomy, their biogeography and their conservation in the wild.   Read more »

Tue, 03/02/2021 - 7:30pm - 9:30pm

February 2021 – Courtney Hackney (online presentation)

Dr. Courtney HackneyDr. Courtney HackneyOur joint Zoom meeting on Tuesday, February 2nd will feature Courtney Hackney, Ph.D. from Jacksonville, Florida. Because Dr. Hackney is located on the East coast, his presentation will start at 7:30 pm. Please log in on time to catch his talk, which will be followed by our virtual plant forum around 8:30 pm. 

Dr. Hackney will discuss the major lineages found in today’s Cattleya hybrids. In his talk, he will trace breeding trends and specific clones which have contributed to some of the best-known hybrids of today. His talk is based on the decade of research and interviews which went into his 2004 excellent book ‘American Cattleyas’, detailing in old photographs and new text how the modern cattleyas came to be. The book also contains useful insights about Cattleyas and Cattleya hybrids, how to grow them, and what to expect from modern hybrids.

Dr. Hackney is Emeritus Professor of Biology at North Florida University, and is a prolific author. Recently, he has been researching coerulea Cattleyas, culminating in an excellent article  in the November 2018 issue of ORCHIDS. Other useful columns on breeding and culture can be found on his website.

Courtney grows a variety of hybrids and species in Jacksonville, Florida, but his favorites are the great Cattleya hybrids. He has about 500 mature Cattleyas in his shade house, including some classic clones which appeared in collections over 100 years ago.

He makes 10 to 15 hybrids as well as sibling species crosses per year and periodically offers them for sale.

Tue, 02/02/2021 - 7:30pm - 9:30pm

January 2021 – Ron Parsons (online presentation)

Ron ParsonsRon ParsonsOur first Joint POS/SDCOS Zoom meeting of the year will be on Tuesday, January 5th at 7:30 pm and feature Ron Parsons. Ron is well-known to many of our members since he has spoken to our society several times. On Tuesday, he will present to us a new talk on ‘Orchid Rarities and Oddities’. This talk features some of the strangest and rarest plants in the orchid family, and includes both terrestrial and epiphytic species. The majority of terrestrial orchids are not in cultivation, and many of those shown were photographed in nature. Most of the epiphytic species presented are in cultivation, and though some may be relatively common, others are not, but hopefully all will inspire awe.

Ron Parsons has been growing orchids for more than 45 years, and has been interested in species orchids for most of that time. Ron loves to photograph orchids and most other flowers whenever he can, whether it be on trips to see them in nature or in collections. He loves to travel to see orchids in the wild, and does so as often as possible. Ron has more than 80,000 digital images, most of which are of orchids, and still retains a slide library that exceeds 100,000 botanical images. He has 4000 published photos that have appeared in magazines, periodicals, journals and books.    Read more »

Tue, 01/05/2021 - 7:30pm - 9:30pm

December's Presidents' Message

Hello POS Members and Friends,

Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year to everyone!! We hope all of you had a nice and safe Thanksgiving. This has been a difficult and challenging year for all of us. The COVID-19 pandemic has created havoc in our lives, our families, and all societies. It has disrupted nearly all facets of our daily life. With the recent surge in COVID cases across the nation and our dropping down to the purple stage in San Diego County, we should prepare for another challenging year. Like many of you, we miss seeing everyone's smiling faces and chatting with you at the meetings. Fortunately,  advances in vaccine development are looking encouraging as are the ongoing efforts to develop effective treatments for those affected by the virus, particularly at early stages. Let’s hope these advances are successful and make 2021 a better year than 2020.

We are not aware of any of our members coming down with COVID, however, we did experience a loss of one of our beloved members, Susan Johnston, to cancer on September 30th. We sincerely hope and pray that all of you remain safe and healthy for the upcoming year. We can’t predict when our in person meetings will resume, but it probably won’t be until late 2021 or early 2022.

POS and SDCOS will continue our joint Zoom meetings and culture classes, both of which have been very informative. We believe our members have enjoyed the programs and speakers that we sponsored. On January 5th 2021 one of our favorite speakers, Ron Parsons, will share with us  his new talk  on 'Rare & Oddities of the Orchid World'. It should be an exciting  talk so please mark your calendars accordingly.   Read more »

Culture Class (online)

Our speaker for the class will be John Oswald who will educate us on Reverse Osmosis (RO) water so if you want to learn about the pros and cons of RO water, please join us by using the same login information as for Tuesday's meeting.

Wed, 11/04/2020 - 7:30pm - 9:30pm

November 2020 – Ken Jacobson (online presentation)

Our November 3rd Joint General POS/SDCOS Meeting will be at 7:30 pm. with our speaker, Ken Jacobson, who will talk about  the group of Brazilian orchids formerly known as the Oncidium crispum group and hybrids made from these orchids.  

The Onc. crispum complex includes Onc. praetextum, Onc. curtum and Onc. gravesianum and all are now referenced as synonyms of Onc. crispum, but are kept separate as the individuals have been know as separate species for years (Jay Pfahl, www.orchidspecies.com). 

To make matters even more complex, the genus of these species has been changed to Gomesa and Onc. crispum, itself, is now under the name Gomesa imperatoris-maximil- liani in the Orchid Wiz and Orchid Roots  databases.

In addition to the individual species and the direct descendants of those species, Ken will cover more complex hybrids derived from the species.  A fair amount of time will be spent discussing culture, and how these plants can be grown successfully in the California coastal areas.

Ken was first introduced to orchids by his uncle in the 1960’s and has been growing orchids for well over 50 years. His collection includes Cymbidiums, Oncidiums, Odontoglossums, Lycastes, Cattleyas, Laelias, Masdevallias and several other genera.

Ken and his wife, Amy, enjoy traveling to all areas of the world where orchids are grown, visiting the local growers, and seeing various species in the wild. Together, Amy and Ken have over 7000 orchids. Ken is a judge in the AOS judging program and the CSA judging program, and is currently an AOS trustee. Amy is a judge in the AOS judging program. This should be a very informative talk and we encourage all to join us. The Zoom link will be sent with the email announcing the newsletter and will be the same as last  month's link.

Tue, 11/03/2020 - 7:30pm - 9:30pm

Culture Class (online)

We are going to continue Joint Zoom Culture Classes on the Wednesday following the Joint General Meeting, which is normally the day of our regular POS meetings. Our third class will be on Wednesday, October 7 at 7:30 pm. SDCOS member Peter Tobias will conduct a class on mounting orchids.   You can join this Zoom meeting using the same log in information as the previous meeting.

Wed, 10/07/2020 - 7:30pm - 9:30pm

October 2020 – Lou Jost (online presentation)

Lou JostLou JostThe speaker for our joint October 6th Zoom meeting will be Lou Jost, Director of EcoMinga Foundation, and recipient of a conservation grant from the San Diego County Orchid Society. The title of his presentation is "Discovering, documenting, and protecting hotspots of orchid endemism in Ecuador---the 2020 legacy of a 2000-2001 SDCOS grant"

Lou is an internationally renowned expert in molecular phylogenices, who has made significant contributions to the protection of orchids and orchid habitat in the New World Tropics. Lou will tell the story of discovering new orchid species, learning to understand their local distribution patterns, and then starting a foundation in 2006 to protect the areas where these species grow. Along the way Lou will talk a bit about the pace of orchid evolution and the practical difficulties of maintaining orchid reserves in Latin America. The helping hand of the SDCOS and its members has been there for all of this since the beginning.   Read more »

Tue, 10/06/2020 - 7:30pm - 9:30pm