
The Palomar Orchid Society generally meets at 4:00 pm the FIRST WEDNESDAY of every month in the Gowland Meeting Room of the Carlsbad City Library. The George and Patricia Gowland Meeting Room is located in the Carlsbad City Library on Dove Lane, just off El Camino Real in southern Carlsbad. The address is 1775 Dove Lane, Carlsbad, CA 92011.

Next Monthly Meeting

Next general meeting: January 8, 2025

The Palomar Orchid Society generally meets at 4:00 pm the FIRST WEDNESDAY of every month in the Gowland Meeting Room of the Carlsbad City Library. The George and Patricia Gowland Meeting Room is located in the Carlsbad City Library on Dove Lane, just off El Camino Real in southern Carlsbad. The address is 1775 Dove Lane, Carlsbad, CA 92011.

About Our Meetings

Our monthly meetings are a great way to share orchid growing experiences, learn about orchids from our members and expert speakers, and to meet and socialize with other orchid enthusiasts. Our members range in experience level from interested novice to commercial grower. Everyone is invited to attend and participate and guests are very much welcomed.   Read more »

February 2025 - Fred Clarke ‘Cycnoches, Mormodes, Catasetums - Recent Trends’

Fred ClarkeFred Clarke

We are pleased to host one of our favorite and well-known speakers, Fred Clarke. Fred’s talk will focus on the amazing world of Catasetinae.  The talk entitled‘Cycnoches, Mormodes, Catasetums - Recent Trends’ will provide a detailed look at the best of today's breeding and new directions hybrids are taking including themaking of Fredclarkeara After Dark.  Finally, Fred will cover the best practices for growing these remarkable plants. 

Cycnoches, Mormodes, and Catasetums are three related genera from the Tribe Cymbidieae. Individually, each has been considered an orchid oddity, or “botanical”,of interest mainly to the seriously addicted enthusiast. These plants have a brief deciduous period in winter, when the plants need a definite dry rest period bordering on neglect. These robust orchids are native to lowland tropical forests in Central and South America and are usually grown in warm or intermediate conditions. Commercially, Catasetum, Cycnoches (or ‘Swan’ orchids) and Mormodes (or ‘Goblin’ orchids) have occupied a small market niche on the edge of a sea of Cymbidiums, Cattleyas, Phalaenopsis, and Dendrobiums. Until recently, they have not attracted much attention from hybridizers, but in the past several years some spectacular hybrids have been produced, receiving great acclaim and an increasingly large collection of awards from the American Orchid Society.    Read more »

Wed, 02/05/2025 - 4:00pm - 7:00pm

January 2025 - Phyllis Prestia and Fellow Judges on AOS Outreach Judging

Phyllis PrestiaPhyllis Prestia

Our first meeting of the New Year will be held on the Second Wednesday, January 8, and will be a different type of program in that Phyllis Prestia, Head AOS Judge of the Southern CA Judging Section, will conduct an AOS Outreach Judging program for our society. A team consisting of Phyllis and accredited judges will attend our meeting, explain the judging process, review the society bloom table/show-and-tell table to see if there are any worthy candidates for AOS judging and then critique them. Society members will receive a plant registration form and a score form to try their hand at applying what they’ve learned.  This is a great way for the society to learn and understand what characteristics make a flower of your plant awardable. So please look at your blooming plants and bring in one or two that you think might be awardable. Judges will select plants to review and, if yours is awardable, you may elect to have it registered ($40 for AOS members, $60 for non-AOS members) or not. This should be a very educational meeting that allows us to demystify what goes into the AOS judging of orchids.   Read more »

Wed, 01/08/2025 - 4:00pm - 7:00pm

December 2024 - Holiday Dinner

Our 2024 Holiday Dinner will be held on December 4, 2024 starting at 4:00 pm in the George and Patricia Gowland Meeting Room located in the Carlsbad City Library. Dinner will be catered at the cost of $30 per person, which includes good Chinese food, soft drinks, water and delicious desserts. Every guest will be gifted a blooming or near blooming orchid. Almost 30 people have already signed up, so if you still want to attend, please contact Bill Wong ASAP either by phone (760-931-0502) or by email, since we can accommodate at most 5 or 6 more people. We cannot accept payment and/or walk-ins on the day of the event. Due to the earlier start time of the event, we will begin with a few announcements at the outset, induct our 2025 Board of Officers for POS, then start our dinner from Chin’s Gourmet at around 5 pm.

Wed, 12/04/2024 - 4:00pm - 7:00pm

November 2024 - Cindy Hill "My Top Ten Favorite Orchids and How to Grow Them"

Cindy HIllCindy HIll

We are delighted to welcome for the first time to our society Cindy Hill who will speak on ‘My Top Ten Favorite Orchids and How to Grow Them’. Cindy is very experienced, well-respected orchid hobbyist and AOS judge who has won several Best of Show and AOS awards for her beautifully grown orchids.

Cindy's lifelong love of nature and wildlife led her to major in Biology in college. She's been growing orchids for pleasure for almost 50 years, beginning on her kitchen windowsill in St. Louis. She moved to San Diego in 1982 and began growing plants outdoors on her small patio, then in a 7x7 ft lean-to greenhouse. Discovering microclimates – variations in temperature, light and moisture - even in her small yard, she gradually extended her collection. 

After moving to the San Francisco Bay Area in 2005, her collection grew to over 700 plants in an intermediate greenhouse in Berkeley, then Daly City. Favorite genera include Dendrobium, Coelogyne, Holcoglossum, and Laelia. Her plants earned Best of Show three times at the Pacific Orchid Exposition in San Francisco, and have received the highest cultural and quality awards from the American Orchid Society. 

Cindy served as Acting Editor of Orchid Digest magazine and was an accredited judge with the AOS for many years.  
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Wed, 11/06/2024 - 4:00pm - 7:00pm

October 2024 - Dr. Mitchell Schneider "Wonderland: Inter-generic Zygopetalums"

Dr. Mitchell SchneiderDr. Mitchell Schneider

It is our pleasure to welcome Mitchell Schneider to our society for the first time. Mitch will speak on his efforts to develop novel intergeneric Zygopetalums to the orchid world.

Dr. Mitch Schneider’s interest in orchids started young in his teenage years. Mitch started orchids after seeing the orchid mania display in his hometown at the Cleveland Botanical Gardens. During his PhD studies, Mitch worked at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico. While at Los Alamos, Mitch met Dr. Ron Midgett, who has been breeding orchids for over 55 years.  Mitch learned the art of breeding orchids from Ron. When Ron started considering retirement, Mitch became a co-owner of New Earth Orchids, and relocated operations from Santa Fe, New Mexico to Half Moon Bay, CA, after accepting a position to join the electron sources team for the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC).   Read more »

Wed, 10/02/2024 - 4:00pm - 7:00pm

September 2024 - Peter T. Lin " Mini-Catts: Delightful Cattleyas in Miniature"

Peter T. LinPeter T. Lin

We are pleased to welcome back one of our favorite speakers Peter T. Lin, who will be presenting a talk on one of his favorite topics:  Mini-Catts, also known as miniature Cattleyas.  Peter will be sharing a fast-paced, Powerpoint presentation on these charming orchids.  The journey will begin with a review of the miniature species, early hybrids, and then to some of the relevant hybrids of today.  He will also review how to grow these wonderful plants.

Peter started growing orchids over 30 years ago, but then stopped due to school and starting a career.  It wasn't until about 14 years ago that the orchid "bug" came back and he is now heavily involved once again.  He is an accredited judge with the American Orchid Society and a hybridizer of mini-catts.  He enjoys meeting with other orchid enthusiasts, and can often be found at various orchid shows and societies around the country.  He also has thousands of photos of his orchids that he maintains on Flickr.  You can view them by typing this address into the internet:   Read more »

Wed, 09/04/2024 - 4:00pm - 7:00pm

August 2024 - Gil Ho, MD "Orchids in Flight: Stanhopeas Around the World"

Gil Ho, MDGil Ho, MD

It is an honor to welcome back Dr. Gil Ho, our former POS President, who has previously spoken to the society before about Stanhopea species and hybrids. This month, he will be presenting a fun, updated presentation on Stanhopeas based on a new theme. Wait to find out what it is.   Read more »

Wed, 08/07/2024 - 4:00pm - 7:00pm

July 2024 - Pot Luck Dinner and Orchid Plant Exchange

Happy 4th of July to all!  For the July 3rd meeting we will be having a Pot Luck Dinner and Orchid Plant Exchange instead of a regular speaker.

Please note that at least for the remainder of this year our meetings will be held from 4 pm to 7 pm in the Gowland meeting room (same room) due to a change in the library’s policy.   Read more »

Wed, 07/03/2024 - 4:00pm - 7:00pm