Welcome to the Palomar Orchid Society Website!

The Palomar Orchid Society, incorporated in December of 1965 was formed when a few people banded together to talk about orchids. We then grew and bloomed into the roughly 200-member group of orchid enthusiasts that we have today. We represent everything orchid in North San Diego County! Come and join us!!

The Palomar Orchid Society is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the understanding and cultivation of both hybrid and species orchids. We welcome members of all levels to join us for orchid fun and learning! Our mission is to promote interest in the appreciation of orchids and to provide an opportunity for their display and the exchange and dissemination of information relating to their culture.

General Meeting May 2022

May 2022 – Carlos Lopez

Carlos LopezCarlos LopezPOS welcomes back our friend Carlos Lopez as our May speaker. Carlos will present an interesting talk on ‘Habinerias and their Hybrids’. He will review the species and hybrids from this class of orchids and discuss culture and care for these unusual and beautiful terrestrial orchids.

Many of us know Carlos from his work at Sunset Valley Orchids. Carlos is a Business student at Mira Costa College who has been cultivating orchids for over 10 years. His orchid venture began at the age of thirteen years old when he started to follow his father to work at Sunset Valley Orchids. Before he knew it, he was volunteering at the nursery and was helping clean orchid flasks, repot orchids, and doing small tasks. Carlos eventually began to become more involved in the nursery's operations/maintenance and started to take part in attending orchid shows and selling orchids at the SVO booths. He is currently Sunset Valley Orchids Greenhouse specialist and has years of experience with Cattleya, Catasetum, Australian Dendrobiums, and Sarcochilus orchids. Carlos is currently training to become an American Orchid Society Judge and works with Orchid Digest as well. This month’s plant table will consist of orchids from Carlos’s collection and from SVO. 

Wed, 05/04/2022 - 6:30pm - 9:30pm

General Meeting April 2022

April 2022 – Alex Nadzan & Bill Wong

Bill WongBill WongAlex NadzanAlex NadzanDue to a last minute cancellation of our planned April speaker, we are replacing the speaker with a program addressing ‘Practical Aspects of Pest Identification and Management’. This is a timely topic as we go forward into Spring where pests and diseases become more of a problem as the weather improves.  Alex Nadzan and Bill Wong will discuss the common orchid pests and diseases we deal with and provide practical methods to address them using both organic and chemical treatments that are readily available to the orchid hobbyist. Topics will include identifying bacterial and fungal diseases, mealybugs, scale, thrips, slugs and snails, viruses and rodent damage and how they can be controlled during the growing season. There will be a demo on use of Rega virus test strips to detect common orchid viruses.  Attendee participation is encouraged and there will be ample time for discussion and questions at the meeting. 

The plant table will consist of plants from SVO and everyone who participates will be guaranteed of at least one plant for the evening.

Wed, 04/06/2022 - 6:30pm - 9:30pm

March 2022 – Tim Culbertson

Tim CulbertsonTim CulbertsonOur society welcomes back Tim Culbertson who will talk about development of new Zygopetalum hybrids. Tim is an excellent speaker and orchid enthusiast who will illustrate new directions in Hawaii and in the US to make temperature-tolerant miniature Zygos. These plants are easy to grow and flower, are vigorous, and have low cultural demands; many will grow easily outdoors in Southern California.  Although many Zygos look similar, different breeding lines from around the world have pushed the look of Zygos in radical and wild directions.  Many genera contribute to these new hybrids, and Tim will share will some of these with you, as well as help identify some of the important parents in the backgrounds of new and modern colors and appearances found in this genus.  By the end of this presentation, attendees will have a new appreciation of what goes into breeding trends for these types of plants, as well as an appreciation of their beautiful flowers and ease-of-growth, both indoors and outside.  Tim’s presentation is not to be missed and he will have a few of these beautiful plants for sale at the meeting.   Read more »

Wed, 03/02/2022 - 6:30pm - 9:30pm

February 2022 – Alex Nadzan & Jerry Spencer

Alex Nadzan & Jerry SpencerAlex Nadzan & Jerry SpencerSome of our members have been asking recently about cultural issues so we would like devote this meeting to orchid culture and address maintaining your orchids in late winter and transitioning to early spring as well as tips on how to prepare for the upcoming growing season. Since we are now into cymbidium flowering season, we also will review aspects on growing, dividing and repotting of these beautiful and easy to grow orchids that are ideally suited for our Southern California climate.  The meeting will be an in-person meeting and will be available on Zoom for those who can’t attend or are uncomfortable attending at this time. All in-person attendees must be vaccinated and boosted and wear a mask during the meeting. To maintain safety of attendees, we will not have food or drink but members can bring their own water if desired.  

Our first culture meeting of this year will feature two of our very experienced growers, Alex Nadzan and Jerry Spencer.  Alex has successfully grown orchids outdoors for many years in Southern California. He will discuss end of winter maintenance of your orchids and prep for the upcoming growing and repotting season that should help both beginners and more seasoned growers prepare for the busiest part of our growing season. He will provide some tips and valuable sources of information and supplies.     Read more »

Wed, 02/02/2022 - 6:30pm - 9:00pm

January 2022 – Betty Kelepecz

Betty KelepeczBetty Kelepecz

NOTE: Due to the increasing number of COVID-19 cases in San Diego County, this meeting will be held by Zoom only.

We welcome back Betty P. Kelepecz who will speak to us about her trip to Papua New Guinea where she experienced orchids growing in situ and learned about the culture of the natives and fauna in the area. Her presentation will be broadcast by Zoom for members who are unable to attend the meeting in person. The zoom link will be provided in the email accompanying the January newsletter.   Read more »

Wed, 01/05/2022 - 6:30pm - 9:30pm

November 2021 – Ron Kaufmann

Ron KaufmannRon KaufmannWe are happy to welcome back Ron Kaufmann, chair of the San Diego County Orchid Society Conservation Committee and a founding director of the Orchid Conservation Alliance. Ron has been growing orchids for more than 25 years and has travelled extensively to view orchids in the wild in Asia and South America, particularly Brazil, Ecuador and Colombia. His talk entitled "Cattleya eldorado: Searching for Gold in the Brazilian Amazon" will describe an unusual orchid habitat near the confluence of the Rio Negro and the Amazon River, home to beautiful species like C. eldorado. Cattleya eldorado is a delightful orchid that is uncommon in cultivation outside Brazil but well worth growing.

Ron is a marine biologist by training, and his scientific work includes studies of Antarctic and deep-sea ecosystems as well as marine communities in coastal Southern California. His orchid collection began with a reed stem Epidendrum and progressed to a diverse assemblage that contains mostly species orchids.

Ron has a long-standing interest in conservation and has been a member of the SDCOS Conservation Committee for nearly 25 years and chair since 2004. Since 1991, the Conservation Committee has awarded nearly $250,000 to support projects in 23 different countries. Ron also helped to found the Orchid Conservation Alliance and serves on the boards of the OCA, Orchid Digest, and Fundación EcoMinga (an Ecuadorian conservation organization). He currently serves as vice chair of the American Orchid Society Conservation Committee.   Read more »

Wed, 11/03/2021 - 6:30pm - 9:30pm

General Meeting October 2021

October 2021 – Peter T. Lin

Peter T. LinPeter T. LinWe are delighted to welcome back Peter T. Lin who has previously spoken to our society on a number of interesting orchid topics. This month Peter will present a talk on ‘Neofinetia falcata and its Hybrids’.  Peter’s fast paced PowerPoint presentation will feature this Japanese native orchid species, a bit of history, the many forms and varieties, and a selection of its hybrids within the Vanda alliance.  He also will discuss on how to grow these marvelous temperature tolerant orchids.

Neofinetia falcata is native to Japan and has been grown there for centuries.  They are highly treasured and come in many flower forms and leaf forms.  The species has been used with other vandaceous genera to produce charming compact hybrids that Peter also will highlight.

Peter started growing orchids over 35 years ago, but then stopped due to school and starting a career.  It wasn't until about 15 years ago that the orchid "bug" came back and he is now heavily involved once again.  He is an accredited judge with the American Orchid Society and a hybridizer of mini-catts.  He enjoys meeting with other orchid enthusiasts, and can often be found at various orchid shows and societies around the country.  He also has thousands of photos of his orchids that he maintains on Flickr.

Peter’s website has additional information on his orchids and on plants for sale.   Read more »

Wed, 10/06/2021 - 6:30pm - 9:30pm